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My Scripts

Here are all the scripts that I have deemed worthy enough of permanently inhabiting the interwebs. Hopefully soon there will be a lot more to choose from, but go ahead and check out the ones I have out now. I'd love some feedback so let me know what you think!

A Thousand Words​


Synopsis: A young writer goes out in search of inspiration, but when she comes across a mute artist, she discovers more than just a story.


This is my first real script. I wrote it the fall before I turned 18, but the idea was in my mind long before then. It will be filmed in Spring 2016 and I will post the link here after it's complete.


I would like to give a shoutout to all the people who helped me: Alex Nourey, Alex Dahn, Anna-Lynn Morris, my mom, and everyone else who had patience when I became the characters in my story. Thanks guys. I'm excited.

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